Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 41 April 1, 2010

Only the ducks would like this windy, rainy, dark, cold day! At the lagoon at Titlow Beach there were several kinds of ducks enjoying the water. Most seemed to be sleeping while floating with heads tucked under wings. This fellow was balancing on one foot when I clicked. You do have to look closely to see the beak which appears to be the color of the water. The bramble was so thick it was impossible to get to the water's edge on the back side of the lagoon. The ducks all seemed wary making it hard to capture them without their backs completely turned. They were so quick and not at all willing to pose even for a moment! A pair of mature bald eagles glided overhead and were great to watch as they seemed to be playing with each other, unfortunately they were too far away to show in the camera lens.

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